This time it’s relevant, I swear…

Anyway, here’s the final fruition of our final project. This post is solely dedicated for it. Please notice the butchered sentence here because I got 6.5 for writing in IELTS.

Although before that, I think it is a good idea to give a couple of important updates.

First, I am still alive and kicking. Hopefully my visa application got accepted so I can resume my double degree (wish me luck).

Secondly, I suppose I need to do a pre-final presentation update but I forgot and no one reminds me. So here goes. Apparently the one who creates our template use Adobe Muse (which admittedly never take off to begin with). It got some of the worst internal naming out there and I don’t know why the Design kids used it. So we decided to rebuild the whole thing from scratch. I am the sole member who’s in-charge for this, so if you see the front-end it was mostly designed by me. There are of course some addition created by the others to fit their stuff in, but there’s that.

Thirdly, I updated the video. Apparently there are some requirements for it and we did not meet it. I’ll take the blame on this one since I’m sick during the announcement and I am also in-charge for the video creation. I must admit the joke is sort of meta (haha get it) and not friendly toward non-internet enthusiast, but it came out to my liking. Really hope you liked my bizarre idea.

Now let’s go talk about the project. Here’s the general information:

Roles of Project development:

  1. Ananda Rasyid Soedarmo, ID: 1701354750, Back End Programmer
  2. Harsa Diptanala, ID: 1701342952, Back End Programmer
  3. Muhammad Harits Abiyyudo, ID: 1701354694, Front End Programmer

Programming Language
– Back-End : PHP using MVC framework
– Front-End : CSS and HTML5

– MYSQL using phpmyadmin


Initially, the design that we took have no e-commerce option. What I mean by this is that they have no option to sell the product other that possibly contacting Batik Tulis Pusaka Beruang. We took some liberty in it and downright change modify some stuffs.

As mentioned above, we add a back-end and database so people can actually call this website an e-commerce. We got:

  • Login and Logout                                                                                                
  • Insert, Edit, and Delete Products                                                                      
  • Insert, Edit, and Delete Categories                                                                  
  • Insert, Edit and Delete Brands                                                                          
  • View and Delete Customer Account                                                        

As for the front-end, we have:

  • Sign Up/ Register New Account for customer                                                  
  • Login and Logout                                                                                                
  • About Us                                                                                                              
  • Contact Us                                                                                                          
  • Browse Products                                                                                                    
  • View Product Details                                                                                        
  • Shopping Cart
  • Edit User Profile                                                                                                 

For the template, vanilla CSS is used since learning about a graphical framework in addition to PHP framework is too much work. Vanilla CSS is also more flexible when it comes to customization.

This CSS template is sort of old style since it did not use anything fancy like flex and percentage. Flex is not here since I haven’t heard or used it before (apparently it’s really nifty for non-uniform div) and the layout is not in liquid since if done wrong it will make the website super contorted.

I would like to upload the screenshots of the website, but this website seems to hate me due to my previous posts. I can’t upload any image for god knows why. It just gives me some error and I’m in a brink of my own demise…

So the best think that I can provide is a link to my teammate who succeeded his image upload (albeit some of them have error).



as a part of this project, we have to make an advertisement video for an e-commerce named Batik Lasem Pusaka Beruang. The video is based on an off-humor faux ads from a show called Rick and Morty. This video is made with CyberLink PowerDirector 9.

For this project, we are designing an e-commerce website. The design is already created by a Design student named Sabrina Evelyn Cheung. She created a design for a local Batik in Lasem, Central Java. Our team consist of myself, Harsa Diptanala and Ananda Rasyid Soedarmo.

The design that was given to us is actually already pretty advanced, so we really do not know if we will change anything in the design. We will do something about the back-end, however.

As an added bonus, I’ll give you a picture of a Lhavely Dhog




February 24th, 2016

this post is created to check the categories

also, while we’re at it:

here’s an image anchor

no homo brah

and here’s a text anchor.


And since this is an university task, I might as well put a link to our major.

Hello world!

February 24th, 2016

Welcome to Binusian blog.
This is the first post of any member blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Happy Blogging 🙂


I want to kill myself.

Everything is temporary.

Your life does not matter, and these comments do not matter.

Everything is temporary.

Everything will eventually rot away. As long as the factor of time continues being the apex predator of the universe, the inevitable decay of all pain and memory is unstoppable.